A Charity Kind of Weekend

This weekend is all about helping others! Join us on Saturday, October 11 for an All Day Roleplay-a-Thon (http://ow.ly/Cdg0e) and on Sunday, October 12 for a Charity Auction (http://ow.ly/Cddxl). Proceeds from both events will go towards helping a local mom and baby out of a homeless shelter and into an apartment. If you’d like to help out by lending your time to run an RPG or by donating some gaming or geek related goods to the auction, please let Caitlin or Vera know A.S.A.P.! We hope to see lots of faces next weekend, both new and old. We know what a great community we have here and have already seen such a great outpouring of support. Thank you so much for helping us help others, and make a difference in this world!

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